Arthritis Remedies
Arthritis is a debilitating disease that causes pain and loss of movement of the joints. The word arthritis literally means joint inflammation - arth=joint, ritis=inflammation.
Looking for an effective Arthritis Remedy
Since arthritis comes in so many different forms and since no two people are alike, what works for one person or one kind of arthritis may not work for another. Following are remedies, treatments and information which have may have been effective with at least some people and some forms of arthritis.
Looking for an effective Arthritis Remedy
Since arthritis comes in so many different forms and since no two people are alike, what works for one person or one kind of arthritis may not work for another. Following are remedies, treatments and information which have may have been effective with at least some people and some forms of arthritis.
- Plant Minerals - minerals are the building blocks of the enzymes necessary for the utilization of all other vitamins and nutrients. Minerals already digested by plants are potentially 100% absorbable and therefore readily useable by the body.
- Colloidal Gold - gold has been used as a Homeopathic remedy but is also available as a liquid form in Colloidal solution.
- Colloidal Silver - some arthritis is believed to be viral
related and colloidal silver is an extremely good natural anti-viral
agent. Colloidal silver also helps bone, tissue and nerve regeneration.
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- Other Supplements - MSM, Glucosamine, Chondrotin, Collagen,
Calcium with Ostivone (these nutrients are usually available together
as a supplement)
- Silica - available from horsetail and/or shavegrass herbs
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- GTF Chromium (GTF Chromium is a complex known as Glucose Tolerance Factor and is made by fermenting the nutritional yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae with chromium.)
- Green tea. Drinking three to four cups of green tea a day could
help people with RA. Studies funded by the Arthritis Foundation showed that
giving the polyphenolic compounds in green tea to mice significantly
decreased the incidence and severity of RA. Human studies have not yet
confirmed the results.
- Juices for arthritis:
* Black cherry juice has been used for arthritis. Take two glasses of this juice twice a day (each glass contains four ounces of juice diluted with four ounces of water). You can discontinue this treatment once the pain clears up.
* People with rheumatoid arthritis should include in their daily diets juices high in the anti-inflammatory nutrients. These nutrients include beta-carotene (found in parsley, broccoli and spinach) and copper (found in carrots, apples and ginger).
* Rheumatoid arthritis improves with a glass or two a day of pineapple juice. Pineapple is a rich source of the enzyme bromelain, which has strong anti-inflammatory properties.
Try a glass (3 x day) of green juice, such as Wheatgrass, Kale, or a mixture of green leafy vegetables such as Spinach, or Silverbeet, mixed with carrot, celery, and red beetroot as a great blood cleanser and good tonic for arthritis. - Other Useful Juices:
* Carrot, celery, and cabbage juice. Add a little parsley.
* Potato juice (If you are not allergic to this.)
* Lemon juice - Take juice of half a lemon before every meal and before going to bed.
* Carrot, beet, and cucumber.
* During acute stage, one pint to one quart celery juice daily.
* Radish, garlic and parsley!
Caution: Certain juices may cause adverse reactions in people with osteoarthritis. Avoid citrus fruits, and be careful with vegetables from the nightshade family, including potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and eggplant. Citrus seems to promote swelling, and nightshades contain psyllium alkaloids, which cause problems for some people.
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